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Sonntag, 29. Juni 2008

Sommerpause und Foto-Projekt

Wie Ferrero Rocher, der Bundestag und die Bundesliga macht auch das anrainerblog Sommerpause.

Ich habe ein kleines Foto-Projekt gestartet. Die Fotografie eines Ortes wird am selben Ort ausgestellt.

Wird der Ort hierdurch ästhetisiert oder in Frage gestellt? Vielleicht beides.

Ich bin in Köln an der Ecke Zülpicher Straße/Dasselstraße angefangen. Weitere Orte werden folgen und ggf. eine Modifikation und Erweiterung des Konzeptes.

5 Kommentare:

smilnsigh hat gesagt…

You commented in one of my blogs, and are bi-lingual. I am not, and can not read German. Though I am descended from people who came to the US, to escape inscription into one of Germany's military. The language did not continue down, to my generation.

But I do appreciate night photos! Which you have in this entry of yours.

Miss Mari-Nanci

smilnsigh hat gesagt…

It seems that you too, read all Comments on your blog, before allowing them to show up. I have found that I have to do this. Which is sad. But we do what we have to do.

I would like to hear how you came to read one of my blogs, please. It is always interesting to hear, how new people found our blog.

Miss Mari-Nanci

smilnsigh hat gesagt…

I am trying to Comment more, in your blog, but there seems to be some problem.

Or I am not following instructions correctly, because of my lack of being able to read your language...

Miss Mari-Nanci

Anrainer hat gesagt…

Hi smilingsigh,
sorry for being such a bum and not publishing your comment yet. You want the others to be published as well?
Actually, I'm not bilingual. English is a foreign language for me. I am doing a PhD in English Cultural Studies.

Anrainer hat gesagt…

Ohh, and I can't remember how I came across your blog.